Activating Your Automated Campaigns

How to turn on your social and email campaigns to effortlessly keep in touch with your contacts.

FMG gives you plenty of easy ways to share your content with your contacts. From our Custom Email Builder to our Social Post Scheduler and blogging tools, we've given you the power to get your message out there! ... but sometimes, you don't have a message to get out there. In that case, we can handle the message for you! 

Your automated campaigns were likely activated for you before you launched your website, but if not, there are a few simple steps you'll need to take to turn those campaigns on.

Activate a Campaign

First, navigate to Automated Marketing in the navigation pane on the left side of your dashboard.

Here, you can browse through the campaigns that are active or paused (if any) and the campaigns that are part of your plan that have not yet been activated: 

Hover over the campaign you're interested in for more info on that specific campaign.

See which campaigns are currently active and which are available to you to activate. You can easily toggle your available campaigns on and off.

Configure the Audience

It's up to you to decide which of your contacts receives each campaign. By default, all of your contacts will be in your audience. If you'd like to adjust your campaign audience, click here to learn more.

Campaign Notifications

You will receive an email before each campaign goes out to your contacts. That email will contain a preview of the message your contacts will see with the option to "Pause" the campaign if you'd like. Click here for more information on setting up these campaign notifications.