How to use sectional editing tools to create and send a custom email
Our Custom Email Builder allows you to create emails with your own content to send to your contacts either immediately or at a later scheduled date.
Create a Custom Email
- To create a custom email, navigate to Email > Send Email in the navigation pane on the left side of your dashboard:
- Click the "+ Add Section" button to add a new section to your email.
- Select which type of section you'd like to add to your email:
💡 Here is a breakdown of each section type:
- Text: add a simple paragraph of text.
- The text editor has email formatting options like bullet or numbered lists, alignment options, font sizes and colors, and more! Example:
- The text editor has email formatting options like bullet or numbered lists, alignment options, font sizes and colors, and more! Example:
Headline: the background color and text color in this section will be controlled by the "Edit Email Design" section in your admin
Button: the button's background color and text color in this section will be controlled by the "Edit Email Design" section in your admin
Greeting: this section is automatically added to the top of your email to address your contacts by their first name
- Text: add a simple paragraph of text.
- Image
- Image: add a section with an image.
- Supported image file types and resolution:
- File Types: We support all standard image file types.
- Image Resolution: Our email width is 540 pixels.
- Images wider than 540 pixels will be reduced to fit the email.
- Images narrower than 540 pixels will not be blown up to fill the width of the email and will be centered in the section.
- Image: add a section with an image.
- Widget
- Featured Content: add this widget to include a video or article from your Content Library, with a link to the entire piece on your website
- Multi-Content: add this widget to include several (or even just one) pieces of content from your Content Library in a side-by-side layout
- Curator Content: featured content from the curator
- Video: add this widget to include a video in your email. Click here to learn more!
- Divider: add this section to break up your email into distinct sections
- When you're finished creating your email, you can preview it by clicking "Preview Email" or "Send a Test Email."
Note: You cannot send a test email until you add a subject line to your email.
Send a Custom Email
When you're ready to send your custom email, click "Schedule Email" on the top right-hand corner of the custom email builder:
Choose Audience: Next, you will choose the contacts to whom you want to send your email:
Choose Send Date: Once you've selected your audience, you will choose when to send your email:
- You can either:
- Send ASAP: Your email will be sent as soon as it's approved by compliance.
- Schedule a future date: Your email will be sent at a future date of your choosing as long as it's been approved by compliance (if not approved in time, your email will not be sent).
- You can either:
Confirm Your Details: Lastly, you will confirm (or edit) the following:
- Once you're ready to send your email, click the "Send Email" button.
- Your Email Will Be Sent To: The audience you selected.
- Your Email Will Be Sent On This Date: The date you selected.
- Your Email Will Be Signed As: Select either your Display Name or Company Name.
- Think you'll send this email again? Save your email as a template for future use: Check this box to save this email as a template. You'll be prompted to enter a name for the email template.
Sent & Scheduled Emails
After you've sent an email, your email will appear under Email >>Sent & Scheduled in the navigation pane on the left side of your dashboard:
💡 Want to learn more about the Sent & Scheduled Emails page? Check out this related article: Email | Sent & Scheduled