Getting Started with the FMG Mobile App

What is the FMG Mobile App and how do I use it?

The FMG Mobile App makes it easy to discover and share timely content. Push notifications allow us to “tap the shoulder” when new content is available. The App is designed to be simple, and you can share an email or social post in less than a minute! Download the FMG Mobile App to access:

  • Timely content feed

  • Seasonal and Holiday content

  • Push notifications for new content

  • Marketing Calendar

The App is available for the following subscriptions: Connect, Attract, Elevate, Marketing Suite Essential, Marketing Suite Premium, and Marketing Suite Do It For Me.

Where can I download the App?

The FMG Mobile App is available for download in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Once downloaded, your login credentials for the App are the same as your FMG desktop login credentials.


Having trouble finding your username or password? Click here.

Mobile App Interface

Custom Content Feed


Check out our timely content in our Custom Content feed. Our award-winning creative team publishes newsworthy, “current-events” content at least twice a week. In addition to newsworthy topics, seasonal and holiday content will be published here.

Headlines (Curator)


Curator is our AI-driven content tool that searches the web for relevant, compliance-likely content, which helps you and your clients stay up to date with current events relevant to their interests and needs. Also, the more you use Curator, the more it learns about what you love – so interact with it often! You can find Curator in the "Headlines" section of the App.

We also have an exciting new AI feature that will help you create engaging social media posts! With our new tool, you can easily summarize your post's article content with just one click. Say goodbye to the tedious task of crafting the perfect caption and hello to more time for creating great content. Try out our "Write Text For Me" button today and see how easy it is to create compelling social media posts with Curator!



What’s the compliance status of that email I sent? Who opened the last email? The Mobile App Calendar looks two weeks in the future and two weeks in the past:

  • You can see content scheduled to send in the next 14 days

  • You can see content sent in the last 14 days

Not all content is visible in the Mobile App Calendar. Click here for details on what is displayed in the Marketing Calendar.

How to Preview and Share Content

Browse and Choose Your Content

To browse our content, simply scroll through the Custom content feed. To preview a piece, click on it. When you're ready to share, open the content and click the share button. Please note that currently, the App only allows sharing content as-is without the option to edit. If you wish to edit the content, please access it on your desktop.

Choose Your Audience & Send

Here, you will be able to choose your audience and schedule your send.

  1. Social Network* or Recipients**:

    • *Social Content: You can select which social networks to post to. By default, all of your integrated social networks will be selected. Click the pencil icon here if you'd like to select specific social networks to post to

    • **Email Content: You will have the option to send to all contacts or specific groups

  2. Timing:

    • Send ASAP: The content piece will be shared as soon as possible, once it has been approved by compliance (if necessary)

    • Schedule a future date: The content piece will be sent on a future date you select, as long as it has been approved by compliance (if necessary)

  3. Compliance Status: Here, you will see the compliance status of the content piece

  4. Swipe Up To Share: Swipe up to share, and your post will go through compliance approval (as applicable) and be sent to your contacts before you know it


Direct Compliance

Content will follow the same compliance rules that we have in place on the desktop.

  • Social Posts

    • If your Program has social compliance enabled, the post will be submitted to compliance

    • If your Program has social compliance disabled, the post will skip compliance

  • Emails

    • If your Program has “Pre-Approved” the email, it will skip compliance

    • If your Program has not yet reviewed the email, it will be submitted to compliance

Self-Managed Compliance

For users that have self-managed compliance, you will get the following option whenever you send content that requires compliance approval from the App:

  • Approve Later

    • The case can be reviewed/approved from your desktop, just like today

    • The case can be reviewed and approved from the Mobile App Calendar. To approve the case through the App, go to the Calendar, access the item, and select the "Approve" button:

  • Approve Now

    • The compliance case will be approved - just like when you click "Approve" in Compliance on your desktop

    • The case will be visible in Compliance History. If necessary, you can access this case to download a PDF for compliance

Push Notifications

Turn on your app notifications, and we will send you a notification about two or three times a week to let you know when new content is available to share.


Interested in discovering more about the FMG Mobile App?

Check out our additional help articles and FAQs.