Referral Campaign

Learn how our Referral Sequence campaign harnesses your contact list to get you more solid leads.

Getting referrals from your current clients is a great way to gather solid leads. This is an opportunity to get the contact information for people who are in your community and have been, basically, "vetted" by their friends, colleagues, or neighbors.
.... but we know it can be a bit awkward!

We'll handle all the cringe-worthy communications (without the cringe), so you can sit back and watch the referrals come in!

Activate the Campaign

To activate this campaign, navigate to Automated Marketing in the navigation pane on the left side of your dashboard:

Here, you can locate the Referral Sequence campaign and toggle the campaign on:

Configure the Audience

Like our other campaigns, it's up to you to decide which of your contacts receives this campaign. By default, all of your contacts will be in your audience. If you'd like to adjust your campaign audience, click here to learn more.

Campaign Notifications

You will receive a notification email the day before this campaign is scheduled to send to your contacts. That email will contain a preview of the message that your contacts will see. Click here for more information on setting up these campaign notifications.

How the Referral Campaign Works

Quarterly Emails

Each quarter, we'll email your contacts requesting a referral. In that email, we'll link to your landing page so your contacts can easily submit referrals.

Preview the Campaign Email

On the Referral Campaign performance page, click the View Sample Email button to preview the emails sent to your contacts as part of this campaign.

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Campaign Audience

Like our other campaigns, choosing the audience for these emails is up to you. Need a reminder on building your campaign audience? Click here to learn more!

Landing Page

Available exclusively to Attract™, Elevate™, DIFM™, and Marketing Suite Premium clients, this campaign goes above and beyond other automated campaigns by adding a new page to your site automatically. This new page contains the form that your clients will complete to provide you with their friend's contact information:

Once your compliance department approves the content available in this campaign, this page will become available on your site. 

The URL for this page is:

Note: This page will not automatically be added to your site's navigation. You are welcome to add this page to your menu or use it as a button on your website header - wherever you'd like to use this link, go ahead! 


Once the form on your landing page is completed, we'll send you an email to let you know you've got a new referral. We'll let you know who referred them and how you can contact them. 

To see who has been referred to you and who has been kind enough to offer these referrals, you can navigate to Website >> Referrals

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We'll also keep this information in the "Source" column on your Contacts page:

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