Go Live Process

How to set your website live

Congratulations! You're on the brink of launching your marketing website, equipped with the latest and most advanced tools. Here's a step-by-step guide to ensure your launch goes smoothly:

  1. Compliance Approval: Before setting your website live, ensure that you have received compliance approval for the required items in your profile. These items include:
  2. Domain Setup: It's essential that your domain name points to the FMG server. You have two options to achieve this: 
    1. Let Us Help: For a hassle-free setup, email us at service@fmgsuite.com with your domain account's username and password. Our domain team will handle the necessary updates for you.
    2. DIY Setup: If you prefer to manage the setup yourself, especially if you have an IT department, you will need to update several DNS records. Before making any changes, we recommend backing up your current DNS zone records. This backup allows you to restore the original settings in case of any errors.

  3. Domain Transfer (Optional): If you're transferring your domain from another provider (such as Broadridge/Emerald) to FMG, we have a simple video guide that walks you through the process step-by-step.
  4. DNS Configuration: To obtain all the necessary DNS information required to connect your domain to FMG, navigate to Website > Settings in your FMG admin and click on the "Need Website URL Help?" link:

    After adjusting your DNS settings, monitor the Website Settings page in your FMG admin. Your domain must show as "Available" before proceeding. Note that DNS updates may take up to 48 hours to propagate, so keep checking the status.
  5. Go Live: Once your domain status is "Available," set your live website's primary location by selecting the "Primary" radio button. Then, activate your site by toggling the "Website Live" switch.

Once your website is toggled live, we recommend enabling Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to protect your website.