Importing Contacts as a CSV File

How to add to your contacts by uploading a CSV file

Do you have an Excel sheet full of contacts you'd like to reach with your custom email tool or automated campaigns? Add them to your admin!

Perhaps you've exported the contacts currently in your admin as a CSV file and are simply looking to update those existing contacts and add some new ones. The process below will help you accomplish those bulk updates too! 

Are you looking to add contacts manually? Click here to learn more.

In this article, we will review:


CSV File: First, let's be sure your Excel document has all the necessary details:

This CSV will show you all of the possible fields you can include for each contact. It is not required that you include all these details for each contact. 

In the example document above, you'll see columns for:

  • First Name*

  • Last Name*

  • Nickname (optional)**

  • Gender (optional)

  • Birth Date (optional)

  • Client Anniversary (optional)

  • Marital Status (optional)

  • Email

  • Phone (optional)

  • Group (optional): Use this column to assign your contacts to "Groups." You can include as many groups here as you'd like. These groups can be separated by a comma or vertical line ( | ). Once imported, these contacts will be assigned to the groups listed in this column. Click here for more information on groups.

*It is required that you split full names into two columns: first and last
**If you want to address your contacts by their nickname (instead of first name), include this field

​Note: The column headers in your CSV file do not need to match the above. You will have the option to "map" the data in your CSV to these various categories once you import (click here to learn more

Be sure your Excel document is saved as a CSV file:


Import CSV File: With your CSV file saved, open your FMG admin and navigate to Contacts >> Manage Contacts:

On the top of the Contacts page, under Import Your Contacts, click "Import CSV":

Drag and drop your CSV file or click "Browse Files" to search for the file. Click "Upload" when you are ready to proceed. 

Next, you'll be able to map your imported document to various contact fields: 

Here, you are assigning the various columns in your CSV to the available contact fields in your admin. To the right of this table, you'll see a preview showing how the settings here apply to your import.

When you're happy with how that preview looks, complete the import by clicking "Upload Contacts.

CSV File Import FAQs

Q: Do CSV Imports Allow for Duplicate Contacts?

A: Yes, dupilcate contacts are allowed with CSV file imports. Duplicate contacts can be created if multiple contacts share the same email address but have different first names in the CSV file import. For more information about duplicate contacts, click here

Q: Is it possible to import another CSV file after I already imported one or previously added contacts manually?

A: Yes, you can import another CSV file and add new contacts without disturbing your existing contacts. You also have the option to update your existing contacts using a CSV file import. This feature is useful when you need to make bulk updates to existing contacts simultaneously. Keep in mind that each file will need to be uploaded separately to allow for accurate field mapping.