Market Insights: Monthly Market Insights Newsletter

How to establish your firm as a resource for up-to-date market commentary and guidance.

Available on select subscriptions, our Monthly Market Insights (MMI) Newsletter is a monthly newsletter covering the previous month's market events and trends. 

How to Active the Campaign

To activate this campaign, go to Automated Marketing in the navigation pane on the left side of your dashboard:

Here, you can locate the Monthly Market Insights Newsletter and make sure the campaign is toggled on.

Like our other campaigns, it's up to you to decide which of your contacts receives this campaign. By default, all of your contacts will be in your audience. If you need to adjust your campaign audience, click here to learn more. 

You will receive an email the day before this campaign goes out to your contacts. That email will contain a preview of the message that your contacts will see. Click here for more information on setting up these campaign notifications. 

Each campaign email will include a video, as well as a link to an article we'll publish on your website. 

  • Click here to view the latest Monthly Market Insights article on a website. 

  • Below is an example of a campaign email:


Want to change your email header graphic and colors?
Click here to learn more about updating your email design. 

MMI Archives

You can find the archives of the MMI reports from the past 2 years here. Please note that after the end of each quarter, the Monthly Market Insights is replaced by the Quarterly Market Insights. This change affects the months of January, April, July, and October.