Weekly Market Insights (WMI) Riddle Answer

The riddle answer for the last few weeks can be found below. The answer is also listed in the Riddle section of the following week's WMI.

WMI Riddle: 3/3

  • Riddle: Lidia immediately went bankrupt after the car she was pushing around stopped in front of a hotel. It sounds sad, but she wasn’t upset. What was she doing?
  • Riddle Answer: She was playing Monopoly.

WMI Riddle: 2/24

  • Riddle: I have rosy cheeks, I am round and cute – yet debate persists over whether I am vegetable or fruit. What might I be?
  • Riddle Answer: A tomato.

WMI Riddle: 2/18

  • Riddle: I’m comprised of solid ground, and yet I see water all around. What exactly am I?
  • Riddle Answer: An island.

The Weekly Market Insights (WMI) is a fully customizable weekly commentary. In addition to a topline market summary, you can expect market index charts, top stories, key economic data, and a heads-up on the week ahead. You can also include helpful tax tips, healthy living advice, and entertaining details like riddles, quotes, and weekly photos. If you need more information on the WMI, please click here.