The riddle answer for the last few weeks can be found below. The answer is also listed in the Riddle section of the following week's WMI.
WMI Riddle: 2/3
- Riddle: It sits when it stands. It walks in jumps. It can grow up to 8' tall. What is it?
- Riddle Answer: A kangaroo.
WMI Riddle: 1/27
- Riddle: Joe showed up at a business meeting fresh and alert, even though he had not slept a wink during any of the past four days. Why wasn’t he tired?
- Riddle Answer: He had slept during the past four nights.
WMI Riddle: 1/20
- Riddle: You can make it and read about it today; many classes are taught in it, but it is not part of the future. What is it?
- Riddle Answer: History.
The Weekly Market Insights (WMI) is a fully customizable weekly commentary. In addition to a topline market summary, you can expect market index charts, top stories, key economic data, and a heads-up on the week ahead. You can also include helpful tax tips, healthy living advice, and entertaining details like riddles, quotes, and weekly photos. If you need more information on the WMI, please click here.