How to sign an email using your Company Name.
Sometimes, you’d like to send an email that comes from you. At other times, it may be more appropriate for the email to come from your company. FMG allows you to choose your sender–send your message from your Display Name or Company Name–when sending custom emails and email sequences.
Updating your Display Name or Company Name
To make changes to your Display Name or Company name, navigate to Profile>>Contact Information in the navigation pane on the left side of your dashboard:
On the Edit Contact Page, you can make your changes.
If a Display Name isn't present, your primary email address will be used as the sender.
If your Display and Company names are the same, you will still be prompted to select which name you'd like to send as when sending an email.
Choose the Email Sender Name
When scheduling an email or email sequence to send, you can choose to send from either your Display Name or Company Name. No matter which sender you choose, the email will be sent from your primary email address.
How Your Name Will Appear to Email Recipients
When your email lands in your contact's inbox, it will appear differently based on the sender you selected:
Display Name
Email Sender sent as Display Name
Your Email Signature will show your First + Last Name
Company Name
Email Sender sent as Company Name
Email Signature sent as Company Name
To learn more about how email signatures appear, click here.