Starting a Blog

How to Add a Blog to Your Website

Are you eager to publish unique content on your website, sharing your insights on current events and how your experiences shape your firm's approach? A blog is the perfect platform for this valuable content! This article will guide you through:

We recommend that blog posts generally be between 600 and 700 words. This length strikes a balance between providing valuable information and maintaining reader engagement. However, the ideal length can vary depending on the topic and purpose. For further guidance, check out our How to Create a Financial Advisor Blog (In 5 Steps).

Creating a Blog Introduction

A blog introduction sets the stage for your blog, informing visitors about what to expect. Follow these steps to add a blog introduction:

  1. Navigate to Blog > Blog Introduction: To create your "Blog Introduction," go to the left navigation menu, select Blog, and then choose Blog Introduction.
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  2. Enter your desired blog introduction: Fill in the introduction text on the Blog Introduction page.
  3. Click Publish: Submit the changes for compliance approval.

Once compliance approves your introduction, it will appear at the top of your blog's landing page, with future posts listed beneath it.

Adding a Blog to Your Website Navigation

To make your blog accessible to website visitors, you must add a navigation tab.  Here's how:

  1. Ensure your first blog post is approved: Verify compliance approval and that it's past the publish date. Check the status in Blog > My Blog Posts.
  2. Go to Website > Navigation: In the left navigation menu, select Website, and then choose Navigation.
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  3. Click the Add Nav Item button: Begin the process of adding a new navigation item.
  4. Enter details in the "Add A New Navigation Item" pop-up:
    • Nav Label: This will appear as a "tab" in your website navigation. Name it "Blog" or another preferred title.
    • Nav Type: Ensure it remains a "Parent (top level)" item.
    • Link To: Select "Blog" from the "System Pages" section in the drop-down menu.
  5. Publish Your Changes: Click Add, then Publish to save your changes.

Troubleshooting Blog Navigation Issues

Blog Not Appearing in Navigation Options

If "Blog" doesn't appear in the "Link To" section, consider these possibilities:
  1. No Blogs Available:
    • First, add a blog and get it approved through compliance. Once approved and published, retry the steps above
    • If your blog is published but "Blog" isn't an option, verify the publish date. The blog must be published today or earlier.
  2. Published Blog, But Navigation Still Unavailable
    • Go to the blog, insert a space in the content, and republish. This should make the Blog option available for navigation.

Need more assistance with your blogs? Reach out to our support team for help!