Updating Your Email Signature

How to edit the content that appears in the footer of your emails

Your email signature is comprised of your portrait image, contact information, social media links, and disclosure. You can edit your email signature information by updating the following items:

  1. Portrait Image: Your portrait image will show up in your email signature when emails are sent from your Display Name

  2. Disclosure: Your website disclosure or a specific email disclosure

Click the links above to learn how to update each item!

How Your Email Disclosure Appears

Your email signature will appear in one of two ways depending on whether you send the email using your Display Name or Company Name. You can update each of these under Profile>>Contact Information:

When sending an email, you can choose whether to sign the email with your Display Name or Company Name:

Email Signature When Sending from Your Display Name

Email Signature When Sending from Your Company Name

For more details on sending an email using your Company Name, click here.