How to Set Up a Default Account for Delegates

Note: This article is only applicable to Delegates with access to multiple accounts.


We have introduced a new feature that allows Delegates with access to multiple accounts to set a default account. Once a default account is set, upon login, Delegates are automatically directed to their chosen default account, bypassing the Accounts page. This feature is designed to enhance user control and streamline the login process.

Setting a Default Account

To set up a default account:

  1. Log into your FMG account.
  2. On the Accounts page, click the "Set As Default" button next to the account you wish to set as the default.
  3. A "Default Account Selected" modal will appear. Confirm your choice and click "Save" to apply the change.
  4. Once your default account is chosen, a checkmark will appear next to it. 

Accessing Another Account

If you've set a default account and would like to navigate to a different one, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your FMG account, and you will be automatically signed into your default account.
  2. Select the profile dropdown in the top right corner of the admin, and click "Access Another Account":
  3. You will be directed to the Accounts page, where you can select the account you wish to access.

Removing the Default Account

If you've set a default account and would like to remove it:

  1. Log into your FMG account, and you will be automatically signed into your default account.
  2. Select the profile dropdown in the top right corner of the admin, and click "Access Another Account":
  3. On the Accounts page, select "Remove Default" next to the chosen default account.
  4. A "Remove Default Account" modal will appear. Click "Remove" to apply the change.

What Happens When No Default Account is Selected

If no default account is selected, you will be directed to the “Accounts” page upon login to the desktop app. If compliance has authorized the FMG mobile app, you need to select a default account to gain access to app functionality.