Posting Library Content to Social Media

How to post content from your Content Library to social media

Are you looking to browse and share content from the Content Library to your social media? Easy!

Browse the Content Library

First, be sure that you have integrated the social media profiles to which you'd like to share content.

  1. To browse your available content, navigate to the Content Library by clicking "Content Library" from the navigation pane on the left side of your dashboard.

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  2. Here, you can browse through Web Content or Social Posts to share on your social media.

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Share Web Content

  1. After you've found Web Content you'd like to share, click "Share" next to the content piece:


  2. In the Share Content modal, select "Share on Social":

  3. Here, you will see the details of your Social Post:

    1. Select Social Networks: All of your integrated social networks will be selected by default.

    2. Post Date

      1. Post ASAP: Your post will be sent as soon as it's approved by compliance.

      2. Schedule for a future date: Your post will be shared on the day and time you choose.

    3. Edit: If you'd like to edit the content piece, click "Edit" to open the item in the Social Post Builder.

    4. Share: If you're ready to post to your social media, click "Share."

Share Social Post Content

  1. After you've found a Social Post you'd like to share, click "Use" next to the content piece:


  2. Preview/Edit Your Social Post:

    1. Select the social network account(s) you'd like to post to.

      Note: If you have multiple profiles from a single social network integrated (such as two LinkedIn profiles), this content will be posted to all of those profiles.

    2. Edit the content of your post.


  3. Once you're ready to post to your social media, click "Schedule Post":


  4. Choose Post Date: Choose when you would like your post to go live.

    Choose Your Post Date:

    • Your Post Will Be Shared Right Away: Your social post will be sent as soon as it's approved by compliance.

    • Schedule A Future Date: Your post will be shared on the day and time you choose.


  5. Confirm your details: Double-check your details to make sure everything looks okay. Click "Post" to get that message out there!