How to add a link to a page on your site to your menu
An internal URL is a hyperlink that directs users to another page within the same website. It enhances the organization and accessibility of your site's content. Follow these steps to incorporate internal URLs into your website's navigation menu efficiently.
- Access the Navigation Page: To add an internal URL to your navigation, go to Website > Navigation.
- Create a New Navigation Item: To add a new item to your website's navigation menu, click the "Add Nav Item" button at the top of the page.
Configure the New Navigation Item:
Nav Label: Enter the text you want displayed in your navigation menu in the "Nav Label" field.
Nav Type: Choose "Parent (top level)" or "Child (dropdown level)" from the "Nav Type" dropdown menu. Selecting "Child" will prompt an additional dropdown menu where you can specify the "Parent" menu item.
Note: A "Parent" menu item will be a main menu entry, while a "Child" menu item will only appear when the "Parent" item is clicked.
Link To: Use the dropdown menu to select the page you wish to link to.
Add: Click the "Add" button to finalize the creation of the new navigation item.
- Position Your Nav Item: Once added, you can reposition the new menu item by dragging and dropping it to your preferred location within the website navigation menu.
- Publish Your Changes: Finally, click the "Publish" button to save and submit your changes for compliance review. Upon approval, the new menu item will be visible in your website navigation.
If the page you are linking to has been approved by compliance, it will appear on your live website immediately.
If the page you're linking to has not been approved by compliance, it will appear on your live website once that page has been approved.