Updating Your Logo

How to add or update your company logo

To add or replace your logo, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Profile > Logo:

  2. Here, you can click the "Upload Image" button to upload your logo:

  3. Once uploaded, you will have the option to crop your logo before saving it.

  4. Click "Save Draft" to preview the logo on your website or "Publish" to submit your logo to compliance.

  5. Your logo will appear in the following places:

    1. At the top of your website

    2. Automated campaign emails*

    3. Custom emails*

    4. Ebooks for lead generation form sections and popups

    *You can add a custom graphic in place of your logo to your email template by navigating to Email >> Edit Email Design.

Logo Tips and Tricks

  • It's best to create a vector file of your logo and save it as a transparent .png format. Doing so ensures that your logo blends seamlessly with the background color of your website and email.

  • If you're looking to create a logo, several companies can help you. We suggest checking out Logo Bids at www.logobids.com and 99 Designs at http://99designs.com/