How to track website and social media traffic on your site.
Google Analytics is a powerful tool that helps you understand where your website visitors are coming from and which pages on your site are the most popular. Integrating Google Analytics with your FMG website ensures that you capture valuable data for better insights into your site's performance.
Creating a Google Analytics Account
If you don't have a Google Analytics account yet, you can follow the following instructions to set one up.
Visit to create your account.
Click “Get started today” and sign in to your Google account or create one if needed.
Click "Start measuring" on the following page.
Fill in the account details:
Enter your name as the "Account Name."
Choose your data-sharing preferences under "Account Data Sharing Settings."
In the property setup:
Enter your company name as the "Property name."
Select your time zone and currency type.
Provide business information:
Specify your "Industry Category" as "Finance."
Indicate your business size.
Check the corresponding boxes for how you plan to use Google Analytics.
Review and accept the "Google Analytics Terms of Service Agreement."
Select your email communications preferences.
Your Google Analytics account is now set up. Next, you must create a new property to obtain a Google Analytics Tracking ID.
Creating a New Property and Tracking ID
After creating a Google Analytics account, follow these steps to create a new property and obtain your Google Analytics Tracking ID:
Log into your Google Analytics Account.
In the Admin section, navigate to the Property section.
Click the "+ Create Property" button:
Not seeing this page? You can navigate to your Google Analytics Admin page by clicking on the gear icon located at the bottom of the left navigation bar.
Fill in the Property name and click "Next."
Provide business information and click "Create."
On the Data Streams page, select "Web" under Choose a platform.
Fill in your Website URL and a Stream name, then click "Create stream."
You'll find your Google Analytics Measurement ID (Tracking ID) on the Web stream details page. Copy this ID.
Now you can easily add your Google Analytics Tracking ID to your FMG website by following the instructions provided below.
Adding Google Analytics Tracking to Your FMG Website
Before you begin, make sure you have your Google Analytics Tracking or Measurement ID ready. This unique code is essential for enabling analytics tracking on your account. Click here for guidance on finding your Tracking "G-" ID.
To apply your Google Analytics Tracking ID to your FMG website, follow these steps:
Log in to your FMG admin and navigate to Website > SEO:
At the top of the page, you will see a Google Analytics section. Paste your Google Analytics Tracking or Measurement ID in the designated field and click "Publish."
Once your changes have been published, Google will begin tracking your website traffic. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for data to be compiled and displayed in your Google Analytics account. You may use the Realtime report to confirm that you're successfully collecting data.