Troubleshooting Social Post Link Previews

Troubleshooting Social Post Link Previews FAQS

  • How does a social network decide what content populates in a link preview?

    This is done using Open Graph meta tags, which are snippets of code that communicate a page's content with a social network site. These meta tags help to control what social media networks collect from the links you share.

  • Why am I not seeing the content I expect when I share a link to my website on social networks?

    Your preview image is usually stored (cached) by social networks. The social network site likely has not “checked” (“scraped”) your page since it was last updated.

  • How do I check to see how my page preview will appear on different social networks?

    If you would like to check for preview images that may have been cached by different social networks, a good resource is This website allows you to see how your content may appear when posted to different social networks!

    If you are using our social posting tool, we will generate a preview for you:

    Note: If the URL that you are sharing in our social posting tool does not have Open Graph meta tags, we will not be able to generate a preview. We also will only show one preview for all social networks.

  • How do I select a preview image for each page that I want to share on social networks?

    There is a tool on your homepage and each custom page that allows you to select the preview image you would like to use. Click the button below to learn how to add a Social Share Image!

  • How do I get each social network updated with my new preview image?

    There are tools you can use to force a “re-scrape!” for each social network that we integrate with. Here are the direct links to each network’s “scraping” tools: