Managing Your Sidebar Widgets

How to add or remove sidebar widgets from your website

When visiting a website, you may have noticed a section to the side of the main content. This space is often filled with various small boxes, called sidebar widgets, that provide additional information and functionality for visitors. Sidebar widgets offer visitors quick access to important information and can encourage engagement with the website.

Sidebar Widgets are only available on specific website themes, and if your theme does not include space for these widgets, they will not be available to you.

Managing Your Sidebar Widgets

To add or remove sidebar widgets on your website:

  1. Here, you can select which widgets to display on your homepage and/or other pages (internal pages) by selecting the checkbox next to the widget.

    Note: All of the content in these widgets have been approved by compliance, and once you click "Publish," the changes will go live immediately. This is not the case for custom widgets.


Sidebar Widget Examples

Widget Name



Upcoming Events



Displays your next event's name, summary, and date

Note: If you don't have any events scheduled, this widget will not be displayed

Have a Question Form

This form allows visitors to reach out with questions.

When someone completes this form, we will add them to your list of Contacts as a "subscribed" contact and send you an email to let you know you have a new contact

Email Campaign Signup Form

This form allows visitors to sign up to receive your automated email campaigns.

When someone completes this form, we will add them to your list of Contacts as a "subscribed" contact and send you an email to let you know you have a new contact

Latest Blog Post

Displays your most recent blog post's title, publish date, and a summary

Contact Information

Displays the email address and phone number entered on Profile > Contact Information and the social media links added under Profile > Social Media

Experience Matters

Displays the "About Us" information entered in the Website > About page

Featured Team Member

Displays the name and bio summary of a random team member